Buy Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) & Get Cheap Price
Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) Reviews
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Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) Overview:
Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) Reviews, On Sale Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging), buy Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging), Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) best buy, Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) Discount, Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) For Sale
Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging) Reviews
438 of 518 people found the following review helpful By H. Bala "Me Too Can Read" (Just moved to posh Marina Del Rey, CA - where if you drop a quarter, why, you just keep on walking) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?) This review is from: Marvel's The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy + Digital Music Download) (Blu-ray) Mr. Nolan, is that a gauntlet on the floor? Brother, I am more giddy than my giddy aunt. I saw the midnight showing of the AVENGERS last night and, at the end, my face hurt from grinning so big. I am so wired I can't form a coherent thought, and so here, instead, is a salvo of stream-of-consciousness impressions, in whatever order.Mark Ruffalo is simply terrific as the Hulk's alter (and calmer) ego. I actually prefer his interpretation of Dr. Banner over Bana's and Norton's. Ruffalo steers away from the deadening angst that made me fidget in earlier Hulk pictures. He finds a balance. This Banner exhibits a dry sense of humor but exudes this quirky, low simmer edginess. And I love Ruffalo's interactions with Downey, Jr., two swaggerful eggheads matching their test tubes against each other and applying big words. I like that there's respect between their two characters. There's an intriguing twist involving Banner's relationship with the Hulk, of which I won't say more. The... Read more 147 of 177 people found the following review helpful By Roland (USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?) This review is from: Marvel's The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy + Digital Music Download) (Blu-ray) ....And what fun it is.*Spoilers Ahead* Marvel's "The Avengers" is an expertly-crafted movie that makes 2 1/2 hours fly by like the first season finale of "24". Yeah, it's that good. My thoughts on seeing this movie--the first time (yes, you WILL go to see this more than once)--were: "This was just as good as 'The Dark Knight' is THAT even possible?" Well...consider first that Marvel has always had the best storylines, and the know-how to mix all of their characters' comic books together into one, all-encompassing storyline. Then, consider they decided to apply said formula to their movies. Third, they went out and expertly casted the parts. How could this NOT be good? Who else but Robert Downey, Jr could be a multi-billionaire, techno-wizard, armor-wearing snark-artist? Acts like he doesn't care, but is willing to sacrifice his life to save New York. Chris Evans is Captain America. A 1940s guy living in the present... Read more 44 of 53 people found the following review helpful By Travis Knight "The Weaving Knight!" (Oswego, NY) - See all my reviews This review is from: Marvel's The Avengers (DVD) When I was a kid, I had a small collection of comic books that was predominantly Captain America issues. I began collecting comics when I was 5, and sort of fell out of it when I was around ten or eleven. My parents quit buying them, and, to be honest, the comic book medium has never engaged me as much as it has some of my friends. I do enjoy a graphic novel now and again, but in general, I don't go out of my way to read or read about them. But the movies? Oh, I go to the movies. I don't think I've missed a single Marvel Studios movie yet at the big screen, and generally, I haven't been disappointed.So I've been around to see Marvel Studios President Kevin Fiege and his companions weave the Avengers together with subtle references and post-credits teasers. It's been a long time coming, The Avengers, and it's a wonder that it ever happened at all. Considering that the last superhero movie I can think of that had more than one superhero and one super villain in it was X-Men... Read more |
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